Eating smart( eating ur meals in right order)

Eating smart( eating ur meals in right order)
The benefits of a balanced diet&adequate exercise are well known.

But did you know that the order in which you eat food on your plate can have an effect on your health as well

Here is the right order in which u should eat ur food👇 Start a meal by eating vegetables&protein first
Finish it with carbohydrates

Vegetables & proteins slow down the release of sugar from carbs, preventing a “sugar” high and hunger pangs Eating vegetables(raw salad) and
protein(paneer, curd,cooked sprouts,chicken,egg) before carbohydrates(roti, rice)

leads to lower post-meal glucose and insulin levels in obese patients with type 2 diabetes By eating the vegetables and proteins first, we are covering up on carbs.

We are flattening the glucose-insulin curve by first using fiber to slow gastric emptying and therefore reduce sugar spike.

This is particualrly imp for diabetics. With this hack enjoy your meals in right order rather than avoiding one particular food group. Reference:

Food Order Has Significant Impact on Glucose and Insulin LevelsEating protein and vegetables before carbohydrates leads to lower post-meal glucose and insulin levels in obese patients with type 2 diabetes.

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Walnuts are perhaps one of the most effective superfoods and can play a remarkable role in improving an individual’s health.

Walnuts are rich in mutliple nutrients and are a must have in ur daily diet!

Here are some health benefits of walnut👇

🔸Walnuts provide healthy fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals — and that’s just the beginning of how they may support your health. 

🔸According to the current diet trend, the ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acid is haywire, which means people tend to load up with omega 6, leaving omega 3 far and few. 

🔸Our body doesn’t have the ability to generate omega3’s and omega 6’s, which means they must come from our diet, and that is why they are termed “essential”. 

🔸Walnuts are an incredible source of omega 3(α‐linolenic acid (ALA)). keep reading to find out why,

▪️Walnuts are an excellent source of antioxidants that can help fight oxidative damage in your body, including damage due to “bad” LDL cholesterol, which promotes atherosclerosis.

 ▪️Several plant compounds& nutrients in walnuts may help decrease inflammation, which is a key culprit in many chronic diseases 

▪️Eating walnuts not only nourishes you but also the beneficial bacteria that live in your gut. This promotes the health of your gut and may help reduce disease risk. 

▪️The polyphenols in walnuts may reduce your risk of certain cancers, like breast,prostate&colorectal cancer.However,more human studies are needed to confirm this

▪️Walnuts contain nutrients that may help protect ur brain from inflammation&support good brain function as you age. ▪️Walnuts are excellent sources of Vitamin E in a form that is unusual to find ­ gamma-tocopherol. And therefore, good for skin and hair health.

 ▪️Walnuts are an exceptionally nutritious nut. They have higher antioxidant activity and significantly more healthy omega-3 fats than any other common nut. 

▪️This rich nutrient profile contributes to the many health benefits associated with walnuts, such as reduced inflammation and improved heart disease risk factors.

So, try and include walnut(3-4 halves) daily!! 


“If the Heart is strong,then life is long”

On this World heart day, don’t lose ur heart beat, but loose all the bad habits that affect your heart’s health!

Here are 6 simple lifestyle changes to keep up your heart health

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Lets go👇 

🔸Focus on sound sleep
Sleep plays an important role in overall health and well-being. Deep, restorative sleep that is essential for good cardiovascular health.


🔸 Exercise
Regular exercise also improves factors linked to cardiovascular health, resulting in lower blood pressure, healthier cholesterol levels, and better blood sugar regulation.


🔸 Maintain a Healthy weight
Excess weight increases the heart’s work. It also raises blood pressure and blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels and lowers HDL (good) chol levels. It can make diabetes more likely to develop, too.


Waist circumference and body mass index (BMI) are indirect ways to assess your body composition. Waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) is another index of body fat distribution. However, WHR is less accurate than BMI or waist circumference and is no longer recommended.


🔸Balanced Plate
an overall healthy dietary pattern that emphasizes:
– a wide variety of fruits&vegetables
-whole grains
-Healthy sources of protein(mostly plants such as legumes&nuts;fish& seafood;low-fat or nonfat dairy;& if you eat meat&poultry,ensuring it is lean&unprocessed -Switch refined oils with cold pressed oils
-minimally processed foods
-minimized intake of added sugars
-foods prepared with little or no salt
– Use the Healthy Eating Plate as a guide for creating healthy, balanced meals


– Sodium&potassium are 2 interrelated minerals that play major roles in regulating blood pressure and a healthy heart. Eating less salty foods& more potassium-rich foods may significantly lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. 

🔸 Manage Stress
Managing stress is good for your health and well-being. Negative psychological health / mental health is associated with an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. But positive psychological health is associated with a lower risk of heart disease and death.


🔸 Addiction:
Drinking & smoking can lead to high blood pressure, cardiomyopathy, cardiac arrhythmia and even death from alcohol poisoning. And it can interfere with the brain’s communication pathways, affecting the way the brain works. 

🔸Take home message 👇



Evening snack – Sweet potato!!

Sweet potatoes are a carbohydrate-rich, easy to digest, fiber-rich whole food.

For those looking for a healthy snack can rely on the goodness of sweet potato as a perfect energy booster.

Here are some health-benefits of sweet potato 👇


🔸Sweet potatoes contain anthocyanins. Anthocyanins play an important role in boosting immunity, healing cancer, and it’s also good for heart health. 

🔸Sweet potatoes are rich in potassium and magnesium. This makes them an amazing food for people with high blood pressure as potassium negates the effect of sodium. 

🔸Sweet potatoes are rich in fibre and antioxidants that promote growth of good gut bacteria thereby contributing to a healthy gut.

 🔸They’re a great source of vitamin A and beta-carotene, which makes it great for eye health. Since vitamin A is fat-soluble, be sure to consume them alongside a little fat.

The tuber is also a rich source of Vitamin C, Vitamin B5 and B7. 

🔸They’re an amazing pre-workout snack, just add few nuts and seeds along with it.

Have it 20-30min pre-ex to feel the boost in energy levels. 


Mindful eating is maintaining an in-the-moment awareness of the food and drink you put into your body. It involves observing how the food makes you feel and the signals your body sends about taste, satisfaction, and fullness.


MINDFUL EATING isn’t about being perfect, always eating the right things, or never allowing yourself to eat on-the-go again. it’s not about establishing strict rules for how many calories you can eat. Rather, it’s about focusing all your senses and being present as you shop cook, serve & eat. Evaluate your eating habits:our busy daily lives often make mealtimes rushed affairs. We find ourselves eating in the car commuting to work, at the desk in front of a screen, on the couch watching TV.

We eat mindlessly, shoveling food regardless of whether we’re still hungry or not.


Evaluate your eating habits (cont):
we often eat for reasons other than hunger—to satisfy emotional needs, to relieve stress,or cope with unpleasant emotions such as sadness,anxiety, loneliness,or boredom. Mindful eating is the opposite of this kind of unhealthy “mindless” eating.

🔸Shop consciously: pay attention to your food, be conscious about the food that you buy while grocery shopping, don’t keep adding things to your cart mindlessly.


🔸Take deep breath before your meals to relax:taking three deep breaths just before having a meal aids in digestion prevents acidity and overeating. every time you take a deep breath, you inhale O2 which helps the body to maintain a right balance of acid and alkaline naturally. 

🔸Remove all distractions like television and social media while eating to give full attention to your food and the experience of eating.
Multitasking and eating is a recipe for not being able to listen deeply to our body’s needs and wants. 

🔸Chew thoroughly : Chew well until you can taste the essence of the food. (You may have to chew each mouthful 20 to 40 times, depending on the food.) You may be surprised at all the flavors that are released. 

🔸Learn to deal with emotions without turning to food: Recognise when you are eating for reasons other than physical hunger. Sometimes emotions can trigger hunger, therefore, it is important to identify what drives your eating. 

🔸Use your 6 senses, the 6th one being your intuition:Engaging one or all of our senses during only one meal per day can improve mood, stress levels, and overall well-being. Eating is a deeply rooted sensory experience, When all 5 of our senses are brought to the table, your meal/snack is transformed into a mindful meditation that not only connects you with your bodies cues/signals, but also creates a moment of peace. 

✅ You learn to make better food choices that align with both your needs and choices in a balanced way.
✅You learn to become more present and enjoy the eating experience.
✅You learn to reconnect with your body’s cues of hunger and satiety BENEFITS (Cont.)
✅You learn to regulate your food intake without having to account calories or obsess over numbers
✅Feel a sense of peace and ease around food choices
✅You digest your food better. 


Think of mindful eating like exercise: every little bit counts.The more you can do to slow down,focus solely on the process of eating, listen to your body, the greater satisfaction you’ll experience from your food and the greater control you’ll have over your nutrition habits. 


By 2030, India will have the largest number of Diabetics in the world! Diabetes accelerates the advent of several other metabolic complications including cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, retinopathy reducing life expectancy by 30% as compared to non- diabetics.

Because it’s so widespread, I decided it was time to talk about the condition. First off, you may be wondering what is diabetes exactly? Well, there are several types including Type 1, Type 2 or gestational diabetes. To learn how each of these conditions affect the body, let’s break down what diabetes is, symptoms of it, recipes for balancing blood sugar, and how to take care of yourself if diabetes is a part of your life.


In all forms, diabetes affects blood sugar—making it higher than normal—and insulin.  As food is digested, it is broken down into glucose (also known as sugar), which provides energy and powers our cells. Insulin, a hormone made in the pancreas, moves the glucose from the blood to the cells. However, if there is not enough insulin or the insulin isn’t working properly, then the glucose stays in the blood and causes blood sugar levels to rise. As for what goes wrong in each type of diabetes, here are the basics:


Type 1 diabetes, also known as juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes, is a chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin. Insulin is a hormone needed to allow sugar (glucose) to enter cells to produce energy. Those who have type 1 rely on insulin therapy (or self-administered insulin, typically as a shot) so that their body can still use glucose for energy. Patients often need to check their blood sugar levels regularly to make sure their bodies are getting enough insulin and can, therefore, keep running on glucose.

Different factors, including genetics and some viruses, may contribute to type 1 diabetes. Although type 1 diabetes usually appears during childhood or adolescence, it can develop in adults.


Latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) is a slow-progressing form of autoimmune diabetes. Like the autoimmune disease type 1 diabetes, LADA occurs because your pancreas stops producing adequate insulin, most likely from some “insult” that slowly damages the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. But unlike type 1 diabetes, with LADA, you often won’t need insulin for several months up to years after you’ve been diagnosed.People who have LADA are usually over age 30. Because they’re older when symptoms develop than is typical for someone with type 1 diabetes and because initially their pancreases still produce some insulin, people with LADA are often misdiagnosed with type 2 diabetes.


This is the most common type of diabetes and is often associated with overweight or obese individuals. People with this type still have insulin in the body, but it’s not used properly. Because the insulin isn’t able to help the body take in glucose and use it for energy, blood sugar levels spike. This is called hyperglycemia or high blood sugar levels. While your pancreas might try to make extra insulin to control high blood sugar, it won’t be able to keep up with demand, meaning glucose levels will still rise.


Gestational diabetes only occurs during pregnancy, usually in the 24th week (3). It also results in high blood sugar levels, just like type 2 diabetes.


Often times diabetes symptoms can go unnoticed, but there are a few telltale signs, particularly of type 2 diabetes. According to the American Diabetes Association, diabetes symptoms include frequent urination, feeling thirsty and hungry, fatigue, blurry vision, cuts, bruising, weight loss (for type 1), and tingling, pain, or numbness in hands and feet (for type 2).

If you can check off a few of these symptoms and suspect you might have diabetes, then it’s time to see a doctor. A simple blood test will determine if you have the condition. If you are overweight or obese, it’s also a good idea to get checked simply as a precaution.

If diabetes patients don’t address high blood sugar, it can lead to problems with the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart disease, stroke, and sometimes even loss of a limb.


“Food can either promote diabetes or help prevent it, depending on how it affects the body’s ability to process glucose,”

  • Help you control your blood sugars and blood lipids
  • Help you maintain a healthy weight
  • Help in Preventing Long-term and short-term complications of Diabetes

Besides insulin therapy, certain foods can help keep diabetes symptoms in check. Keep in mind, simple changes can lead to big results in terms of diabetes control. For starters, make sure to fill half your plate with vegetables. While vegetables are also carbohydrates, they won’t spike your blood sugar as quickly as foods like white bread or rice. Always go for whole grains, rather than processed, white grains. Starchy vegetables  are also smart choices. With diabetes, you’ll also want lean protein sources, like lentils and beans, fish and seafood, poultry and eggs.

Another good choice for curing a sweet tooth for diabetes sufferers is fruit. Just make sure you’re eating fresh fruits or frozen ones without added sugar. Watch portion size though.


While the principles for healthy living and healthy eating remain the same throughout the year, certain seasonal rules apply. Just as summer and winter bring their unique environments and nutritional needs, the monsoon creates its own set of dietary restrictions.

Eating according to the season and region is the foundation of good health. It allows not just for individuals to have better health but also contributes towards local economy and helps keep the global ecology in a state of balance.

Eating during monsoons is always a little tricky. This is the season for gastro diseases, most of which are food and water related infections like typhoid, hepatitis A (in children) and hepatitis E (in adults) and gastroenteritis (commonly known as food poisoning). So during monsoons one must be doubly careful about the food they are consuming.

So here is a guide on what you can eat during monsoon!!!

  1. No Rain, Without Grain, As for grains, the season is a good time to bring home ragi, jowar, maize or corn (so the delicious roasted bhutta is an excellent option). Say no to bakery products like bread, biscuit, khari, rusk.
  2. Leafy Vegetables, The rainy season is probably the only time of the year when I would not recommend leafy greens, Now is the time to go off palak, methi, math,broccoli, lettuce, kale and rucola. These aren’t fresh and growing naturally now. Other options for non-leafy veggies include snake gourd (tori), gourd (dudhi), pointed gourd (parval), yam (suran), apple gourd (tinda), bitter gourd (karela), and cluster beans (gavaar) along with your usual onions, turnips and potatoes.
  3. Stick to Seasonal fruits, like Pomegranate, Banana, apple, pear, plums and cherries.
  4. Restrict Seafood And Poultry: Seafood such as fish and poultry like chicken and eggs must be restricted in your monsoon diet as these foods are heavy on stomach that may lead to hampering of your digestion system by slowing down it. Apart from that, the risk of infection increases in seafood and poultry during monsoon due to heavy rains. Pulses are the best source of proteins, vitamins, minerals and even fibre during this season.
  5. Oil, Use filtered groundnut/ mustard/ coconut oils and don’t re-use the oil for cooking afterwards. Remember that without essential fat in the diet, Vit D cannot get assimilated, and also that essential fats also help in regulating blood sugar. So apart from being tasty, oil makes the food healthy too (and for everyone, heart patients, obese and diabetics included)
  6. Hydration, Continue to hydrate yourself, even if you don’t feel thirsty. It is all the more important to have your 8 glasses of water daily (as you sweat excessively too). Water makes up 70% of our body mass and is one of the most vital nutrients. During the monsoon season, we not only lose out on this water content through sweating but rarely find ourselves feeling thirsty which is why we just don’t drink enough water.
  7. Stick to easy to digest foods, as body’s digestion capability is rather compromised in this season due to high humidity. For the same reason, Eat in moderation, focusing more on lighter foods, which can be easily digested such as fruits and veggies and less of oily and spicy food.
  8. Avoid sour food items as they lead to water retention and as it is there is a tendency to retain water in the body during rainy season.
  9. During monsoon, infections are on an all-time high and immunity is on an all-time low, so include anti infection foods like ginger, garlic, onions, turmeric (haldi), methi seeds and bitter gourd in your daily diet.
  10. Probiotics help keep the gut healthy, thus help boost the immunity immensely. Daily probiotics can help restore the natural state of health that a diet of excess sugar, meat, processed foods and prescription drugs have destroyed, and keep seasonal viruses away.


  • Eat at home mostly, and when eating out or ordering out make sure it is freshly cooked food (not raw salads etc.), and ensure that you wash hands every single time before you pick up food to eat.
  • At home, do not leave food unrefrigerated longer than one hour at a time to prevent bacterial growth.
  • Be particularly careful in handling any homemade food that contains eggs, mayonnaise or salad dressing, such as potato salads.
  • And of course it goes without saying that water for drinking, cooking and dishwashing must come from a safe and approved source.


Staying healthy while working from home can be a real challenge, but it’s totally possible. Here are my best tips.

I know that many of you have recently transitioned to working from home in the past week or so. In theory, working from home sounds great — you can sleep in, wear whatever you like and make yourself a homemade lunch. On the other hand, working from home is difficult because there can be a tons of distractions at home, it’s hard to create boundaries and it’s easy to run into the kitchen to snack whenever you get stressed.

Many of us are also suffering from gut issues like acidity or constipation due to lower activity, battling anxiety or sinking into moody blues almost every day. But do not fret! Help is at hand for all the issues that you might be facing.

1.Have a morning routine.

With working from home, it’s so easy to just roll out of bed and onto your computer. As tempting as this may be, don’t do it! Keep your morning routine. It might look a little different, but reserve that time for you. Try to wake-up at the same time everyday this helps regulate your circadian rhythm,or your “internal clock” 

2. Take time to eat a proper breakfast

Working on an empty stomach is going to reduce your ability to concentrate and leave you with lower energy levels in the morning. It’s probably the most important part of any daily routine! 

3. Exercise

  • Forget the gym, instead schedule a work out at home. Do body weight training at home. Some of the best body weight exercises include planks, squats, push-ups, lunges, frog jumps, spider crawls and standing long jumps.
  • While you brush your teeth, alternate standing on one leg and then the next (every 30seconds). Balancing like this develops your core muscles and may even be good for your brain.
  • Every time you grab the phone, stand up and pace around.
  • Stand up whenever you need to write a list or jot down notes. It guarantees that you’ll get off your seat and stretch your legs a few times a day. New findings are telling us that inactivity is killing more people than smoking. Stopping your work every hour to take even a 10-minute break can make all the difference .

4. Plan out your meals for the day. When you know the plan for the day, you are less likely to skip meals or raid the kitchen when its lunchtime or the 6:00 PM snack time hits.

5. Take an actual lunch break! Don’t eat your lunch in front of the computer. Close down your computer and take your usual lunch break. It’s good for your mental health to take an actual break. It’s also healthier because you’re able to focus on what you’re eating, which will help prevent overeating.

6. Keep healthy snacks on hand.  It’s so easy to fall into the habit of mindless snacking when you work from home. And if you’re surrounded by sweet treats and unhealthy munchies all day, it’s much more tempting to grab those! If you have healthy snacks like fruit, or a homemade snack then, it’s much more likely that you’ll be inspired to reach for those instead. Some of my favorite healthy snacks: roasted kurmura, rice-flakes chivda, roasted soyabean, rajgeera chikki, roasted chana, roasted makhana, lemon juice and buttermilk.

7. Battling Acidity and constipation:

  • Shun refined foods and zero in on whole foods, and consciously include more fruits and vegetables in the diet.
  • Don’t eat your meals too quickly: We all know that digestion starts in the mouth. Your teeth are used to break down your food into smaller bits. When you don’t chew your food and larger bits of food go to your stomach undigested
  • Hydration: Having enough water is also an important aspect of feeling good with your bowels. Start and end the day with a glass of warm water.
  • Regular Meal Times: Trying to keep your meals at same time every day is extremely   important. So try to have your breakfast, lunch, evening snacks and dinner at the same time every day.

8. Hydration. Keep A Water Bottle With You. Consume at least 2-3 liters of water on a regular basis to make yourself fit and active. Keep a water bottle or glass with you during the day, it becomes easier to consume more water. Get a water bottle with a motivational saying if it’ll actually help you to drink more water! Your body needs H20… don’t deprive yourself of it!

9. Sleep. Good sleep is important for your body to function at its best. When we sleep, our body rests and conserves energy. Adequate sleep helps in reducing the blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature. Sleep is the deepest meditation so don’t compromise!!Good sleep helps you eat better, exercise better and stay healthier. Inadequate sleep can lead to weight gain and other mental health problems like stress, anxiety and depression.Keep a fixed sleeping and wake-up time.

10. Me-Time. Consciously carve out downtime. Zero on half an hour sometime during the course of the day to take a complete break from everything, and to do something that gives you happiness. Ideally even put your phone on silent. After this little “Me-Time” you’ll surface ready and equipped to handle the world.



Food is a friend not the foe that stalks flabby nightmares. The more one eats, the more one burns. Today the perceived form of food is calories, fat, more fat and cholesterol. Food has become an enemy, it sparks fear. Food has lost its root purpose of serving as fuel for the body. All of us try not to give in “to the love of food”, People have to understand we are what we eat and there are some things we can eat often and some things we can’t.

While eating right can be tough when you begin with it, everyone who has made that switch swears that once the results show, you are hooked. LOVE THY FOOD

 Every person needs (i) Energy giving food (ii) Body Building food (iii) Protective food from his daily diet. A balanced diet means a diet, which contains all the above constituents in needed quantity, in accordance with the requirements of age, sex, constitution of the body, the type of work and climatic conditions.

No rigid rules can be laid down about the actual requirements of diet by a person every day. The proportion and percentage of the various constituents of diet depend upon the occupation, physical condition, sex, age and climate.

Food variety means eating a wide variety of foods (a balanced diet) from within and across each of the five food groups, in the amounts recommended. Eating many different foods helps maintain a healthy, well-balanced and interesting diet that provides adequate nutrition. Eating a variety of foods can help prevent diseases such as diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease.

The foods that contain carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals are called balanced diet. Carbohydrates, fats, proteins are considered as major nutrients items these are very essential for our health. These items provide our body with energy to perform different kinds of functions. Beating of heart, activity of muscles and brain are worthy of them.


A Balance Diet is one that helps maintain or improve general health. A Balance Diet provides the body with essential nutrition: fluid, adequate essential amino acids from protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and adequate calories. Where lack of calories is not an issue, a properly Balance Diet (in addition to exercise) is also thought to be important for lowering health risks, such as obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension and cancer


Calories are the unit of measure for stored energy in food. The energy provided by food calories is needed for every function of the body, including thought, physical activity, growth and healing.

Proteins, carbohydrates and fats are the building blocks of energy. After ingestion, carbohydrates are broken down into glucose, which provides raw energy that is either used immediately or stored in the muscles for later use. Complex carbohydrates like whole grains, vegetables and fruits provide a balance of calories and nutrients, whereas simple carbs such as sugar and white flour are high in calories and low in nutrients, making them a poor choice for energy production.

Weight Management

A healthy diet helps maintain an ideal body weight and prevent obesity. When eaten frequently, foods high in saturated fat, Trans fat and sugar can lead to excess weight gain and obesity. 

While calories are needed for energy, empty calories—those derived from foods with little nutritional value—can lead to weight gain. Eating foods with a balance of calories and nutrients can help provide the body with the fuel it needs to function while avoiding weight gain.

Disease Prevention

A poor diet has been directly linked with diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and certain types of cancer. Trans and saturated fats are known to cause atherosclerosis, which is a major risk factor for heart attack and stroke. Foods high in cholesterol can raise levels of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol in the blood, which also contributes to the arterial damage seen in atherosclerosis. 

According to the American Cancer Society, processed meats, fried meats and alcohol are associated with an increased risk for certain types of cancer, such as cancer of the colon or liver. Foods that contribute to obesity are also indirectly linked to cancer, since obesity increases the overall risk for developing cancer.

Mood and Cognition

A healthy diet can lead to better overall performance of the mind and body. Foods high in antioxidants can help promote generation of neurons into old age while improving the ability of existing brain cells to communicate with each other, resulting in improved cognitive functioning.

What’s more, diet may play an important role in mood and mental health. According to a research, a healthy diet is associated with a lower incidence of depression, anxiety disorders and dysthymia than a typical “Western” diet high in sugar, processed foods and alcohol.

Healthy eating should not be about short-term change but long-term measures that are put in place with the emphasis on enjoying more of the foods that protect and nourish the body. This is done by choosing a variety of foods from each of the different food groups each day and remembering that there are no healthy or unhealthy foods – just healthy or unhealthy diets.

For many people this will mean big changes, but they should remember to make changes to their diet slowly. ‘Small changes in the choices people make can make a big difference!!


Healthy eating does not need to be complicated. It’s much easier and healthier than restrictive diets and unbalanced fads â€“ I’m sure you know the ones I’m talking about.

A Healthy diet is the basis for a well-functioning body. Food is the source of energy for all of our bodily functions and directly affects how our bodies and minds function in every stage of life. There are a variety of reasons why a healthy diet is important, including disease prevention, maintenance of a healthy weight and quality of life.